Music Ed Mentor Podcast #039: Empowering Your Students

While I understand that “Empowerment” can mean many different things to many different people, let me assure you this is a really great episode; so great I saved it for last – it was the final podcast we recorded in 2018.

Beyond simply engaging students, empowerment takes things one step further. In the traditional classroom, the teacher picks out the music, does the score study, rehearses the group, and conducts the performance. The teacher makes most of the big decisions. Shifting decision making to students truly empowers them. They get more out of the experience – and that’s why we do this.

Joining me are not one, but two wonderful guests: Theresa Ducassoux teaches fourth- and fifth-grade band and orchestra in Arlington, VA. Kathryn Finch teaches K-5 general music in Northbrook, IL.  Together they have more than 36 years of teaching experience and some great insight into the empowerment process.